Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Iskwatikan Lake

Pentax K20d with 12-24mm, f13 aperture, 1/60 Shutter, Evaluative metering, 100 ISO and a C-PL for reflection enhancement. We usually talk about using the polarizer to remove reflection, but it can be just as effective to add more. It was fun to experiment with this in a few different shots. Could you ask for a better day to take some pictures?
Pentax K20d with 12-24mm, f10 Aperture, 20 sec. Shutter, Evaluative metering, ISO 200. I used the C-PL again to control some of the reflections and contrast in the sky, Manfrotto tripod and a cabled release to control the exposure. Shot in full manual. This was on of the last sunsets before coming home. I loved the rim light on the boat and the great variation of colors in the sky.
Pentax K20d with 12-24mm lens, f22 Aperture, 1/5 shutter, Evaluative metering, -1 underexposed to try and compendsate for the shadowed foreground and the light of the plane. Mafrotto tripod and the IR wireless remote and C-PL to maximize reflection in the water.
This is actually at Lac Laronge in Sasketchewan, the night before we flew in to Iskatikan Lake.

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