Saturday, July 4, 2009

Picture of the day.

I wasn't expecting a fly-by from the local Air Force, so I was not completly ready, even though camera was in hand and on. By the time I got the camera up to my eye they were directly overhead and I only had enough time to frame them, follow them and fire off one shot before they were gone. Somtimes a little bit of luck comes in handy. Some of these images I overexposed a bit because I was facing a little more towards the sun, so I didn't want the shadows to become to dark and muddy.
Pentax K20d w/55-300, ISO 100, f4.5, 1/2500 shutter, Aperture priority, Center weighted, over exposed 2/3 stop

...and a little more to round it out.

I just thought the shapes and patterns of the frame and wheels were cool and the riders legs were almost the exact same angle as well.
Pentax K20d w/ 55-300, ISO 100, f4.5, 1/100 shutter, Aperture priority, Center weighted, over exposed 2/3 stop
A lone piece of candy waiting for a child to pick it up. Bryndee was tired of this kind of candy, so she didn't want to pick up any more of it. Since when does a kid not want ANY kind of candy?
Pentax K20d w/55-300, ISO 100, f5.8, 1/50 shutter, Aperture priority, Center weighted, over exposed 2/3 stop

...and the tractors

Verlon is a family friend who loves his tractors and shows them off during multiple parades on the Fourth. Who knew Uncle Sam drove a tractor? I would have preferred not to have the post and wires in the background, but compression from the lens (about 170mm) Minimizes it a little bit, so I can live with it. Besides, he looks happy to have his picture taken, right?
Pentax K20d w/55-300, ISO 100, f4.5, 1/250 shutter, Aperture priority, Center weighted, over exposed 2/3 stop
Verlon's tractor was decorated with red, white and blue. I love the snappy colors and the contrast between them. I used a polarizer to control some of the glare off the shiny paint.
Pentax K20d w/55-300, ISO 100, f4.5,1/100 shutter, Aperture priority, Center weighted, over exposed 2/3 stop

An old John Deere caught my eye, again because of the bold color contrast between the flags and the tractor in the background.
Pentax K20d w/55-300, ISO 100, f4.5, 1/100 shutter, Aperture priority, Center weighted, over exposed 2/3 stop

Of course you always have the fire trucks...

As the truck pulled away, I couldn't resist one more shot of Old Glory on the back of the truck.
Pentax K20d w/55-300, ISO 100, f4.5, 1/400 shutter,Aperture priority, Center weighted
Now, the darn truck was moving a lot faster than I expected it to in a parade. I would much rather had a crisper shot, but I still liked the color and pattern created by the hoses here. I will remember next time to push the ISO a little higher next time. This is the old film habits creeping back in again. Shoot low ISO for color and detail, but sacrifice speed.
Pentax K20d w/ 55-300, ISO 100, f4.5, 1/60 shutter, Aperture priority, Center weighted

As the first truck began to pass, I noticed the flag on the back and immediately I was reminded of 9/11 and the heroic people of that day. It definitely makes you appreciative of those wonderful people.
Pentax K20d w/ 55-300, ISO 100, f4.5, 1/400 shutter, Aperture Priority, Center weighted

The Parade Begins..

The first thing I thought when seeing all those kids in the back of the truck was 'sure gives a whole new level of difficulty to hoppin' in the back!' The colors were cool and I couldn't help it, I have always been a sucker for a big truck.
Penatx K20d w/ 55-300, ISO 100, f4.5, 1/60 shutter, Aperture priority, Center weighted
Hey you!... Pull Over! One more guy in the street to clear off before the official start. I am amazed at how oblivious the guy is to sirens and the sound of a motorcycle behind him.
Pentax K20d w/ 55-300, ISO 100, f5.6, 1/80 shutter, perture priority, Center weighted

Celebration Parade

Bryndee was quite excited for the parade to begin. She waited anxiously looking down the road for the first sign of the beginning of the parade. I loved the way you can see her anticipation just from her feet.
Pentax K20d w/ 55-300, ISO 100, f7.1, 1/60 shutter, Aperture priority, Center weighted meter, fired flash for highlights.
Brystyn & Trevor are both waiting on the side of the road for the parade to start. Brystyn was swinging her legs, so I didn't get the sharpness I was looking for across the whole shot, but I liked the way it turned out anyway.
Pentax K20d w/ 55-300 lens, ISO 100, f7.1, 1/40 shutter, Aperture priority, Center weighted meter